Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ministry of Availability!

Tay's gifts Pictures, Images and Photos

These days, people try to claim all kinds of spiritual gifts ranging from the gift of sarcasm to extreme abuses of Exhortation disguised as SHC – (Spiritual Hatchet Counseling). The spiritual gifts the Holy Spirit has given to us are clearly outlined in 1 Corinthians 12. Here we are told that they are all given for the common good. Let’s not forget that Spiritual gifts are just that - GIFTS we give to each other. The dictionary defines a gift as a present, reward, endowment or some type of contribution. Any gift we give to the body of Christ should be something that is received with joy and excitement.

A few days ago I was listening to a radio interview and the man was described his ministry as exercising his gift of Availability. Wow! Wouldn’t every Pastor long for parishioners with that gift? This man with this special gift said he had to learn how to de-compartmentalize his life. He went on to describe how easy it is as Christians to separate actions into secular and Christian. Perhaps it’s the pace of our busy American society or the real/perceived demands of employers and families that lead us to this tendency to compartmentalize our lives in this way.

Random Acts of Kindness 2-19 Pictures, Images and Photos

The longer I listened to the interview the more convicted I became. I know that in Matthew 9:36 when Jesus saw the crowds of people he had compassion for them. Compassion should grip my soul several times a day because He is compassionate. There are lots of things I will do for my customers that aren’t expected of me like picking up a newspaper or trash can and bringing it to their door. Often I ask if I can pray for some need they have or even offering to bring some needed supplies. But I clearly heard the Lord asking me, ’What things will I not do for people?’ You may as what are these? None of your business that’s what! You have your list and I have mine

Reach Out Pictures, Images and Photos

But seriously, my mind goes back to Jesus having compassion even upon the crowd. The people in the crowd were people he had never even met. In Matthew 25:44 Jesus says “They also will answer, ‘Lord when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you? “ We all know how the verse ends when Jesus says if we do it for the least of one of these we have done it to or for Him!

Joyce Meyer Pictures, Images and Photos

One day I heard Joyce Meyers say that “We should be looking for people to be good to, not praying they don’t find us!” Boy what a true statement. What is it about the busy- e-ness (business) of our lives that keep us from those random acts of kindness? At this time when our economy is in a tail spin we as Christians should not just hide out in the shadows. This is the time we need to be aggressively giving in every way possible to others. Remember we are the winners here!

Help Pictures, Images and Photos

Today I heard that our local food banks and homeless shelters have experienced a 90% decline in giving! Most all of us could help at a homeless shelter or food bank to prepare meals, stock pantry, or work in the office. Some of us could knit sweaters or donate blankets to needy children or someone in the hospital. Ronald McDonald Houses provide inexpensive lodging for family members of very ill children. Couldn’t many of us volunteers by helping prepare meals, talking to families, and help take care of the house? The Special Olympics provides opportunities for sports training, fundraising, administrative help, and competitive planning. You can put your repair skills to good use by helping build houses for poor people in your community through Habitat for Humanity. The literacy counsel allows volunteers to act as tutors to help illiterate children and adults learn to read. Senior centers have great needs for you to offer friendship and community activity support. The Red Cross, and Salvation Army also offer many other similar opportunities for service to others. If organizations aren’t your thing aren’t their single mothers in your area who could use your help with errands, child-care, car repairs, or just a friend? What about bringing a cake or pie to someone who is house bound? Maybe that stressed out waitress could use a good tip and a note card of encouragement? Why not give away a few of those books you have cluttering up your place to someone who could use words of wisdom? And finally a new thing I have begun doing is preparing a nutritious lunch sack to keep in my truck and look for a homeless person to give it to once a week.

God Bless you All Pictures, Images and Photos

These are simple ways to make ourselves more available to God and His people. So take the challenge and expand your ministry of Availability. May God bless you as we each grow in this area and become Christ to those in need!

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