Monday, December 8, 2008


present Pictures, Images and Photos

We are getting close! Just sixteen days until Christmas and then only twenty three days left of 2008 before we wrap this year up. Remember the slogan was it will be great in 2008. I guess that true if you factored out a collapse our economy. I suppose that may mean that things will be divine in 2009?

New Year Pictures, Images and Photos

All this wrapping stuff at this time of the year drives me crazy. I’m so thankful my wife does all the shopping and wrapping in our family. I use to be ok at both but over the years I have become less proficient at each. I know that most of us old fuddy-duddies have grown weary of the artificial superfluities that make up the Christmas season. I hope each of you can find at least a couple of opportunities during the holidays to remember the true reason behind Christmas.

baby jesus Pictures, Images and Photos

It seems however that no matter how you look at it Christmas without the gift would be meaningless. In our church we sing a beautiful praise chorus that speaks of our being “undone” in God’s presence. Every time I think of that song the Lord places upon my heart a picture of an exquisitely wrapped present. The gift wrapping is in brightly colored paper with a pure white perfectly tied ribbon.

Wrapped Box Pictures, Images and Photos

In my worship experience it is as if that’s the way I am coming to the Lord. Dressed up looking better than I ever could and trying to present something to my master that would please him. As we sing through that song mentally I imagine the ribbon being untied (undone) by invisible hands. Just see with me for a minute in your mind's eye what it might be like to be completely undone one day in God’s presence. It’s going to happen. One day on that great gettin up morning we are going to sing with all the saints… fare thee well!

Jesus Pictures, Images and Photos

Of course during this season we always think of baby Jesus being the greatest gift that God ever given man, all wrapped up in love. Jesus was the timeless picture of love coming to the earth to redeem all mankind from sin. His mother and father embraced him and laid him in the manager. We often picture mothers doing that. Embracing and hugging their children that is. It’s not that fathers don’t hug their kids but it just seems like mothers are more thought of as natural nurturers in the family. Sadly even today most fathers still seem distant and too often abuse toward even their own children.

Currently I’m reading the New York Times best seller, “The Shack”, by Paul Young that many of you may have heard about. Interesting God the Father or “Papa,” actually is presented as a large black woman. I know what your thinking but this guy in the story had a horrific childhood with an abusive father who was impossible to relate to. Although many have picked apart this completely fictional book as somehow being theologically flawed, the story is simply an allegory presents a unique personal type God type figure that this deeply troubled man can actually relate to.

Jesus Hug in clouds Pictures, Images and Photos

Although I have a great father I have often felt a huge warm embrace from God my heavenly father that could be easily likened to a large black woman wrapping me up in her arms. Certainly during this season I pray that each of you will feel God’s huge embrace. Recently we started singing another really cool praise song at church which really a prayer for God to wrap us in his arms. It continues.. “Take me to that place Lord, to that secret place where I can be with you! You can make me like you.. Wrap me in your arms.” Being in the choir I have the amazing privilege of watching masses of people in multiple services worshiping God. How cool it is when we sing this song to see people some with their hands raised, receiving his love. Others are smiling a from ear to ear a grin of familiarity. Some are sobbing in joy and relief that they have a refuge of strength in His arms. And still others are almost jumping with excitement that they are loved and accepted by the creator and lord of the universe.

worship Pictures, Images and Photos

During the remaining days of this amazing season I pray that each of you would find that secret place with God. Accept his hugs. Learn to cuddle up with him in his presence. Allow him to hold you when you are lonely or scared. Receive his sturdy clasp of love and realize again that he has promised to never let any of us ever go. We are each accepted and treasured by him. May you and your families receive a full measure our lord’s incredible love this season. I will be praying that each of you will become fully rested and equipped to take on each of the challenges he has for us in 2009. Merry Christmas!

merry christmas Pictures, Images and Photos

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