Sunday, September 7, 2008

Building Lives

Wow! I can hardly believe that it has been over two weeks since I have posted a blog entry. So much has been happening lately that my weekly blog of encouragement has been delayed. Please forgive me.


One of my many distractions in the last couple of weeks has been the political conventions. While the purpose of this blog is not meant to be a political statement, I have been finding many of the issues raised by Democrats are worthy of our consideration as Christians. While we can’t expect government to solve all of our problems and individual responsibility is required, from time to time I think we can all agree that everyone needs a little help. My wife and I have always been hard working people and thankfully have never experienced significant financial need. However by May of this year because of my seasonal work, a persistent drought, unexpected car problems, and a down turn in the economy we were coming up short each month and having trouble keeping our heads staying above water financially. Thankfully we had the support of family, a much needed home equity loan, and our business was blessed with a healthy rainy summer season. Unfortunately for more and more people we are working harder than ever and earning less. Likewise, with rising cost of living, expenses are more challenging than ever. No matter how you view the political scene, economics plays a vital role in all we do and are able to accomplish. As a society we have been told to be strong and pull ourselves up by our own boot straps. Regrettably as Senator. Obama points out, it is often impossible for people to do this if they have no boots to wear! (A valid consideration for every Christian). At what point did Jesus release us from being our brother’s keeper? Some say that if the Church did its job then Government programs to help the poor and needy wouldn’t be necessary. Who wouldn’t agree with that statement? Sadly the Church as a whole hasn’t done its job and the negatives effects of this neglect can be seen everywhere in our society. I’m afraid as American Christians, whether consciously or unconsciously, we have become selfish and dismissive of the needs of too people around us

Our Church:

I’m thankful to say that my Church is one of the thousands of American Churches that reach out to others in need. Fortunately we have a Pastor who believes in not only reaching lost people but helping them rebuild their lives. With over thirty five different ministries, our church seeks to involve all of its members in interest groups, Mens/Womens support groups, ministry to single parents, teens, children, and provides topical Sunday School classes designed to enhance spiritual growth, healing and recovery. There are Car-Care events for single Moms and widows. We have a Marriage 911 class for hurting spouses, financial courses, mentors and a wide range of support staff and volunteers to help our church function as an active healthy church.

Reach Out!

Unfortunately, every day I run into too many of our city’s residents who fall between the cracks. It seems in spite of all of our many churches with the largest and best of programs hurting people can still be found all around us. Perhaps the church can’t meet all of their needs of health care and financial support but I believe that if Jesus were here today he would still have his eye on the little lost sheep. That person in Matthew 9:36 that Jesus described as being harassed and helpless in need of a Sheppard. Each of us can be Sheppard to those in need. I know of one man who sets aside a certain sum of money in his wallet each day and prays for a specific individual for the Lord to bring across his path to meet their financial need. I know other senior citizens who when they give up their driver’s licenses donate their well maintained cars to a needy single mom, demonstrating to them in a tangible way the faithfulness of God to a person who often has been abandoned an abusive ex husband. One couple seeks out disabled or hospitalized people and maintains their lawns for them while they recover. Many young couples look for elderly persons to take to lunch and some with culinary expertise provide catered meals to grieving families following a funeral. Often it doesn’t even take money. Just being willing to give a smile, ask how someone is doing and offering a listening ear can demonstrate a welcoming and genuine concern for someone who needs encouragement.

Hebrews 6:10 states that “God is not unjust, he will not forget your work and the love you have shown to him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.” How many times have I given to help someone else when I’m having problems only to find that God met my need as I stepped out to help someone else? Remember The Sermon On The Mount? Jesus said, “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy.”

Our church is planning to break ground on a new building in a couple of months. For years our church has saved, prayed, and given to this project and now with the land paid for and nearly half the money in the bank for the project the vision for the Building will soon be completed. The building campaign’s new theme will be “Building People Changing Lives”. What a joy it is to be a part of a church expansion project that is more than brick and asphalt but instead seeks to give hurting people the life changing Word of God while seeking to meet their heart felt needs. No matter what your church affiliation or location each of us adapt some of these many ideas to build up people around us and play at least a small part in seeing Jesus change their lives.