Monday, December 1, 2008


Tallahassee Pictures, Images and Photos

Do you remember a time when everything was clicking and you finished all your projects a little early? I admit for me it is always a rare occasion as well. This past week I was given the joy of having one of those blessings. We had planned to travel to see my parents and family in Tallahassee for the Thanksgiving Holiday, mid day on Wednesday after I had finished my last lawn. I finished up so early that we were able to leave early Wednesday morning and were having lunch with my parents shortly one pm! Since they receive this blog as well I hope it was as good of a surprise for them as it was for us. None the less it made me think of several benefits of getting home early.

going home Pictures, Images and Photos

The first would certainly be getting to see or spend more time with our loved ones earlier. Cindy, Bradley and I had been looking forward to a nice time of time away, with my parents and enjoying their company and friendship. Shortening the gap of delay always heightens the joy if the events we are anticipating are going to be pleasurable. It certainly was.

A second benefit of getting home early was receiving the gift of some much needed R&R (Rest and Relaxation), earlier. Who would not be thankful for a gift like that when we all lead such hectic lives?

Third, we had a few extra hours with our parents before the rest of the clan descend. Don’t get me wrong I love my bothers and their families but when you live out of town like we do a little more one on one time with your Mom and Dad, (just the five of us), is never a bad thing.

A fourth benefit is that you can surprise the people you are visiting. I know what you’re thinking, what if they’re not ready for us yet right? Well when you have parents like mine who are always preparing ahead of time and seem to have everything just perfect most of the time it’s fun to arrive early and see that sometimes they have a bathroom that hasn’t been cleaned or floor that doesn’t always stay mopped. Surprising others can remind you that we are all human and none of us can make it through this life always doing everything perfectly.

Hand zur Sonne Pictures, Images and Photos

Now since you know me you know I always have to have a take away from my rambling writings. So here goes. What might the benefits be for any of us arriving home early, spiritually speaking? Looking back at my list only the first three apply. (Certainly it would be impossible to ever surprise God especially with the subject of my demise and rebirth). Like most of you I have had a few people close to us go home a little earlier than I expected this year. Who among us could deny them the exceeding and great joy of getting to spend a few extra hours with Daddy God before more of our clan, (and thousands of others,) descend?

Second, for each of our friends who arrived home early this year, which of us could deprive them of the added advantage of their new glorified body that will never need rest or relaxation? We will have a body which will be whole, outstanding, all-inclusive, and lacking nothing. Each of us will experience a way of life without pain, tears, sorrow or grief. A Joy-filled existence!

heaven Pictures, Images and Photos

And finally, who among us could ever dream of denying our loved ones the exceeding and great Joy of shortening the gap between this life and their great celebration in heaven? I like to think of the words to that old hymn we use to sing. OH What singing? OH! What shouting. On that bright and glorious morning when we all see Him!

So as this year whines down and many of us have watched loved ones reach home ahead of us, let’s be thankful for their joy of getting home early! I’m sure each of them would challenge each of us to invest in everyone around us and find some new friends to spend time with. Blessing on each of you, even now, as we begin to anticipate a great new year ahead!

 In Loving Memory of “Vance Pennington,” a dear friend of my parents.

Jesus Pictures, Images and Photos